Nuestra línea editorial

The Menéndez Pelayo Library Bulletin (BBMP; ISSN: 006-1646) is a publication managed by the Menéndez Pelayo Society and supported by the Santander City Council and the Government of Cantabria. It is an arbitrated journal that uses the peer-review system dedicated to the study of the History and Criticism of Hispanic Literature and with any approach of scientific relevance.

The works must be original, not published or considered in another journal for publication, the authors being solely responsible for the statements made in their article. Articles will be submitted to an anti-plagiarism tool (Plagiarism Detector) before peer review.

The BBMP publishes articles (up to 10,000 words / 62,000 characters [with spaces]), notes (4,000 words / 25,000 characters [with spaces]) and, exceptionally if the quality and importance of the work justify it, studies (up to 20,000 words). /124,000 characters [with spaces])

Works containing images will be accepted as long as they are directly related to the content and have the necessary quality for their reproduction. The images must be attached in separate documents in .jpg format, along with a list specifying the image caption and the source.

The BBMP publishes in Spanish. Articles may be proposed, in addition to Spanish, in Galician, Basque, Catalan, Portuguese, Italian, French and English. The authors whose articles are approved, undertake to deliver, within the following thirty days, a correctly written translation of their article into Spanish. These articles will appear in both languages.

The works will be sent through the platform that you will find on this same web page, accompanied by a brief summary and keywords in Spanish and English and adapted to the criteria of the BBMP editorial standards.

The author will title his work in the shortest way possible, without name or affiliation. The title of the article must also appear in English.

The publication in the BBMP is free of processing costs for the authors. Once published, Open Access to articles will be immediate and free of charge for the author and readers. Each article will be assigned a DOI identifier.