About the Journal


In 1919, the Menéndez Pelayo Library Bulletin published its first number. In its preface, Carmelo de Echegaray, the first president of the Menéndez Pelayo Society, explained that the Society was established precisely to publish the Bulletin. Since 1919, the Bulletin has been published. Our magazine has been faithful to its commitment (with the forced pause for the civil war) to appear every year analyzing and studying the History and Criticism of Spanish Literature. All the illustrious names of Hispanicism of almost four generations have passed through its pages and young people who were starting out in research and veterans who shared their knowledge and wisdom with readers have published in them. In 2019 the BBMP celebrated its centenary and remains faithful to the scientific and philological vocation of its founders.

Focus and scope

The Menéndez Pelayo Library Bulletin (BBMP; ISSN: 006-1646) is a publication managed by the Menéndez Pelayo Society and supported by the Santander City Council and the Government of Cantabria. It is a refereed journal that uses the external review system by experts (peer-review) dedicated to the study of the History and Criticism of Hispanic Literature and with any approach of scientific relevance.

Papers must be original, not published or considered in another journal for publication, with the authors being solely responsible for the statements made in their article. Articles will be submitted to an anti-plagiarism tool (Plagiarism Detector) before peer review.

The BBMP publishes articles (up to 10,000 words / 62,000 characters [with spaces]), notes (4,000 words / 25,000 characters [with spaces]) and, exceptionally if the quality and importance of the work so justify, studies (up to 20,000 words). /124,000 characters [with spaces])

Works containing images will be accepted as long as they are directly related to the content and have the necessary quality for reproduction. The images must be attached in separate documents in .jpg format, along with a list specifying the image caption and the source.

The BBMP publishes in Spanish. Articles may be proposed, in addition to Spanish, in Galician, Basque, Catalan, Portuguese, Italian, French and English. Authors whose articles are approved undertake to deliver, within the following thirty days, a correctly written translation of their article into Spanish. These articles will appear in both languages.

The works will be sent through the platform that you will find on this same web page, accompanied by a brief summary and keywords in Spanish and English and adapted to the criteria of the editorial standards of the BBMP

The author will title his work as briefly as possible, without name or affiliation. The title of the article must also appear in English.

The publication in the BBMP is free of processing costs for the authors. The Open Access to the articles once published will be immediate and free of charge for the author and the readers. Each article will be assigned a DOI identifier.

Section Policies

Articles, Notes, Studies and Documents: Evaluated by peers

Reviews: Peer Reviewed

Monographic Sections: Peer Evaluated

Peer review process

The editorial staff of the journal will acknowledge receipt to the authors of the papers received. First of all, the Editorial Committee will verify that the article meets the criteria of the editorial standards, that it has abstracts and keywords in English and Spanish, that the title is also in English, and that the content is adapted to the objectives of the journal. . In this case, an external review will be carried out.

Manuscripts will be reviewed anonymously (double-blind system) by two experts in the subject of study outside the editorial committee. The protocol used by the external reviewers is published on this web page and the authors have access to it. Evaluation protocol

If there is disagreement between the two external evaluators, the BBMP will commission the opinion of a third evaluator member who will decide on the advisability of the publication of the work.

The BBMP undertakes to notify the author of the work of the final decision and will attach the protocols received in the evaluation process, always anonymously, so that the author can introduce changes.

Papers that must be reviewed, whether minor modifications have been requested or other more important ones, must be returned to the editorial committee within a maximum period of two weeks.

The authors of the accepted articles will receive proofs for their correction. They must return them corrected to the editorial office of the magazine in a maximum time of ten days.

The review system will be governed by ethical bases approved by the journal

The magazine administrator will channel the entire process. Your data is:

Dr. Borja Rodríguez Gutiérrez



Publication Frequency

The BBMP will publish two regular issues per year. It will publish extraordinary numbers by decision of the Editorial Committee


Open Access Policy and Statement of Ethical Conduct and Good Practices

The BBMP is a free access journal (Open Access). It provides free access to its content, under the principle that making research freely available to the public encourages a greater exchange of global knowledge, following the bases of the Berlin declaration.

The Menéndez Pelayo Library Newsletter declares its commitment to ethical conduct and a rejection of bad practices in its editorial process, so that scientific quality standards are maintained. To this end, it adheres to the code established by the Committee on Publication Ethics [Cope] (Core Practices) (https://publicationethics.org/core-practices) and takes into account the ethical policies suggested by Elsevier (https://www .elsevier.com/authors/journal-authors/policies-and-ethics).

Thus, it expresses its clearest rejection of plagiarism or scientific fraud in the scientific articles under evaluation, as well as redundant, overlapping or multiple publication practices, totally or partially. These assumptions will lead to the rejection of originals and, in the case of being detected in already published articles, the author will be requested to modify them or, in more far-reaching cases, their publication will be eliminated. The Editorial Board exempts itself from the opinions expressed by the authors of the works.

The originals will be evaluated by a double blind review system (double blind peer review) and, for this, specialists in the object of the article will be used, ruling out those who may present potential conflicts of interest with the subject of the investigation. or with their authors. Those evaluations in which a reviewer alludes as an argument to the need to cite his own research as an indication of quality will be rejected and, thus, a triple review will be used when the Editorial Board considers it so. Editorial decisions will be appropriate to the quality and scientific originality of the papers, as well as to the line of the journal and compliance with its editorial standards; In no case will there be reasons of race, ideology, gender or sexual option, nationality or academic affiliation.


Authors retain copyright and grant the journal the right of first publication. Authors may separately establish additional agreements for the non-exclusive distribution of the version of the work published in the journal (for example, placing it in an institutional repository), with an acknowledgment of their initial publication in this journal. Papers may be uploaded to institutional repositories immediately after publication of the journal. Authors are allowed and encouraged to disseminate their work electronically (for example, in institutional repositories or on their own website).



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