On theatrical communication. Notes on pragmatics of the secondary text


  • José Antonio Pérez Bowie




Didascalias, Communicative situation, Main text, Secondary text


The objective of the following article is threefold: to address the complexity of the communicative situation that arises in the theatrical text as a whole, to assess the fictional dimension of didactic discourse and to point out the expansion of the scope of study of didascalias. That is, an analysis of the importance of didascalias is carried out to define a communicative situation, from the theory of communication, the theory of fiction and genetic criticism. It is intended to give a new approach to the study of didascalias.


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How to Cite

Pérez Bowie, J. A. . (2011). On theatrical communication. Notes on pragmatics of the secondary text. MENÉNDEZ PELAYO LIBRARY BULLETIN, 87(único), 335–346. https://doi.org/10.55422/bbmp.103