Farewell to the "Miralles Library": a bibliographical legacy at the service of Spanish literature 19th century


  • José Luis González Subías




Miralles library, XIXth century, XIXth century Spanish literature, Enrique Miralles García, Bibliographic digital guide


The author of the article recalls his first meeting, in his youth, with Enrique Miralles García, creator of the digital bibliographic guide “Biblioteca Miralles”. He talks about this library in the article, describing its origin, motivation, characteristics and functions, at the service of researchers and university students interested in finding information on Spanish literature of the 19th century. It focuses on the end of this web page, which in 2009 stopped uploading specialized content, as well as extolling the great work that Miralles and his colleagues did to carry out this very useful and enriching project.


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How to Cite

González Subías, J. L. (2010). Farewell to the "Miralles Library": a bibliographical legacy at the service of Spanish literature 19th century. MENÉNDEZ PELAYO LIBRARY BULLETIN, 86(Único), 493–497. https://doi.org/10.55422/bbmp.111