Menéndez Pelayo before the romanticism


  • Leonardo Romero Tobar



Romanticism, Menéndez Pelayo, Spanish Romanticism


This article aims to present the opinion of Menéndez Pelayo about Romanticism. For this, the text is divided into three parts: Essential texts of Menéndez Pelayo on romanticism and basic approaches, The presence of other national literatures in Spanish romanticism and The peculiarities of Spanish romanticism. It then describes the transformation of letters with the arrival of this movement, which Pelayo characterizes as "literary emancipation". For the author, it was the English writers who brought the most complex dynamism to the romantic movement. As for Spanish romanticism, Pelayo distinguished between a traditionalist romanticism and a liberal one.


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How to Cite

Romero Tobar, L. . (2012). Menéndez Pelayo before the romanticism. MENÉNDEZ PELAYO LIBRARY BULLETIN, 88(1), 197–210.