Menéndez Pelayo and women: Joaquina Viluma


  • Mª. de los Ángeles Ayala



Joaquina Viluma, Menéndez Pelayo, Correspondence


The article analyses the most personal and intimate aspects of Menéndez Pelayo’s life, specifically his relationship with women. The popularity of polygraph with nobility women was remarkable; however, he had no luck in love. In the text are collected their loves and misadventures with different women, masked under pseudonyms such as Hippaty, Rhodopis, Rachel, Lydia, Aglagia, The Rabbi or Semíramis. However, there was one woman with whom he maintained an extensive correspondence: Joaquina Viluma. With her he talked about the personal and the literary, which shows the complicity and friendship they had.


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How to Cite

Ayala, M. de los Ángeles . (2012). Menéndez Pelayo and women: Joaquina Viluma. MENÉNDEZ PELAYO LIBRARY BULLETIN, 88(1), 337–360.