The falsifications of History: Cervantes between Bragança and Sanabria
Cervantes, Bragança, Jesuits, Cervantine biographyAbstract
At the historical city of Bragança, cross-border and strategic location of the Portuguese Royal House, it is lately affirmed that Miguel de Cervantes, probably after 1562, may have visited the city –and not only that– because it is also being said that he may have studied at the Jesuists school that at that time existed in the city. This matter, not currently verifed with documents, arises from cultural political instances that may be of interest to Sanabria –together with Zamora– and Bragança, cities linked in many aspects, being the touristic one of them. In this work I intend to compile those data from Sanabria and Bragança, about the author’s life between his birth and his youth, and also bring back the focuss on the polemic about the origin of Miguel de Cervantes Saavedra, refuting a number of statements given in the cultural environment of Bragança; clearly poorly advised, and so analyse in light of the impartial data the (un)likely documentation from Bragança on the matter.
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