“With my own eyes I saw Amadís de Gaula”. On the beginning of the second part of Don Quixote


  • Gonzalo Pontón




Quijote II 1, History and poetry, Don Quixote's madness, Humour, Portrait, Physiognomy, Construction of character, Criticism of declining Humanism


This article is a close reading of Don Quixote’s first chapter of the Second part, with particular attention to Amadís de Gaula and other chivalric heroes’ physical description made by don Quixote. This passage of the novel is a parody of the humanistic uses of physiognomy, and it shows some important thematic and narrative patterns: the confusion between history and poetry (truth and fiction), the careful depiction of hidalgos’ madness, the principal mechanisms of Cervantes’ humour, the criticism against some vacuous and pedantic disciplines. These features go beyond the first chapter and they can also be recognized in the subsequent chapters. This essay also examines the relationship between Don Quixote II,1 and the first chapter of the First part, to which Cervantes might had turned his gaze when starting the sequel.


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How to Cite

Pontón, G. (2016). “With my own eyes I saw Amadís de Gaula”. On the beginning of the second part of Don Quixote. MENÉNDEZ PELAYO LIBRARY BULLETIN, 92(Único), 387–404. https://doi.org/10.55422/bbmp.191