The "cheerful beehive" (Menéndez Pelayo and the "things of Spain" in the European Hispanism finisecular)


  • José María Ferri Coll



Menéndez Pelayo, History of Spanish literature, Spanish ingenuity


The article focuses on the interest that Menéndez Pelayo had for spreading the history of Spanish literature. For the scholar, it was necessary to include not only the manifestations written in Spanish, but also any production that lay in the "Spanish ingenuity". Menéndez Pelayo tried to strengthen relations with other Europeans, as happened with Farinelli, who became a popularizer of Santanderino’s work in Italy and other countries. It is concluded, therefore, that Menéndez Pelayo contributed effectively to the Europeanization of Hispanic studies.


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How to Cite

Ferri Coll, J. M. (2012). The "cheerful beehive" (Menéndez Pelayo and the "things of Spain" in the European Hispanism finisecular). MENÉNDEZ PELAYO LIBRARY BULLETIN, 88(1), 361–384.