Magpie, The Virgin and the Book: on the list of the names of the procurers in Libro de Buen Amor


  • Olivier Biaggini



Libro de buen amor, Juan Ruiz, List, Enumeration, Rhetoric, Milagros de Nuestra Señora, Gonzalo de Berceo, Marian literature, Parody


This paper examines the list of the go-between’s names (Libro de buen amor, 924-927) from three points of view. First, it tries to give a rhetorical definition of the list from medieval poetics in order to emphasize its distinc- tiveness. Secondly, it suggests that it should be considered as a parody of the litanies of the Virgin’s names and, although there is no proof that Juan Ruiz knew the work of Gonzalo de Berceo, it discusses the list of Marian names contained in the prologue of the Milagros de Nuestra Señora as a possible model for the enumeration of the Libro de buen amor. Thirdly, this work explores the representation system that associates Mary and the bawd Urra- ca with language and literary composition.


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How to Cite

Biaggini , O. . (2013). Magpie, The Virgin and the Book: on the list of the names of the procurers in Libro de Buen Amor. MENÉNDEZ PELAYO LIBRARY BULLETIN, 89(único), 65–86.