How and why to continue staging texts classics before the conscience of the structural violence that they contain


  • Fernando Villa Proal



Violence, Adapatation, Historical context, Staging


Arguments around theatrical work and how to approach classical texts trying to find answers to the question: How and why do we stage classical theater plays in the face of our awareness of gender based, racial and structural violence? Sharing the creative processes from the staging of The game of Cardenio and La firmeza en la ausencia as well as the thoughts around classical texts and the cultural context of the time in contrast with the 21st century ideas and the attention to violence that movements such as BLM and #MeToo brought to life.


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How to Cite

Villa Proal, F. (2021). How and why to continue staging texts classics before the conscience of the structural violence that they contain. MENÉNDEZ PELAYO LIBRARY BULLETIN, 97(1), 71–90.