What happened to Segismundo?: the golden comedy and the opposition theater in Russia
Reception, Canon, Russia, Ideology, Performance historyAbstract
Russian theater directors of the Soviet and post-Soviet eras have shown little interest in exploring the possibilities for critical and ideological reflection on their country’s contemporary realities through adaptions of Spanish Golden Age theater. This article examines the possible reasons behind this lack of interest. There seem to be obvious opportunities to draw symbolic parallels between characters such as Fernán Gómez de Guzmán, the Duke of Ferrara, King Basilio or even Segismundo and different authoritarian leaders that have governed Russian society in the twentieth and twenty-first centuries, in the same way that the post-Stalinist Thaw-era Russian stagings of Hamlet turned Shakespeare’s Elsinore into a metaphor for totalitarian regime. However, despite the Spanish comedia’s extraordinary popularity among Russian audiences, this type of reading has not yet taken place. My main goal is to map out the Russian stage history of several Golden Age dramas in order to elucidate this phenomenon, as well as to consider possible future directions in the Golden Age theater’s stage canon in Russia.
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