Praise of a new edition of the "Libro de Alexandre"


  • Amaia Arizaleta



Edition, Status quaestionis, Illustrations, Textual framework, Letters from Alexander to his mother


The latest edition of the Libro de Alexandre undertaken by Juan Casas Rigall for Castalia is a model of a careful, serious, honest and suggestive editorship, that situates in its rightful place an essential text. Apart from the editor’s work itself, Castalia’s decision of giving the none too easy task of editing in correct and illuminating fashion a book such as the Libro de Alexandre is worthy of praise. That the Libro de Alexandre has always been a classic is perfectly demonstrated in this edition in the “Nueva Biblioteca de Erudición y Crítica” series. This review note offers comment on the virtues to be found in this edition and develops a number of aspects suggested by the “new textual life” that the Libro de Alexandre will hereupon enjoy.


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How to Cite

Arizaleta, A. (2007). Praise of a new edition of the "Libro de Alexandre". MENÉNDEZ PELAYO LIBRARY BULLETIN, 83(Único), 411–422.