Costumbrism at the service of satire: "El viaje aerostático" by Modesto Lafuente y Zamalloa (1847)


  • Mónica Fuertes Arboix



Satirical journalism, Imaginary journeys, Literature of customs and more, Political costumbrismo, Point of view, Perspective, Satire, Fray Gerundio, Modesto Lafuente


In 1847, Modesto Lafuente, a well-known Spanish journalist, publishes the Viaje aerostático of Fray Gerundio and Tirabeque. Using the same characters of his former and popular publication, Fray Gerundio, Lafuente criticizes contemporary politics and society in a very peculiar way. This time he criticizes from above, since Fray Gerundio and the lay brother Tirabeque, are travelling in an air balloon. Romero Tobar believes that «costumbrista» writers did not take advantage of this new perspective when writing his articles of customs. In this article, I explain why writers like Lafuente or Larra were not concern in developing new literary techniques, since their bigger interest is to show the instability of the Spanish political situation of the moment. Writers like Lafuente took to satire as the best lens through which to view reality and offered it to the reader. 


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How to Cite

Fuertes Arboix, M. (2007). Costumbrism at the service of satire: "El viaje aerostático" by Modesto Lafuente y Zamalloa (1847). MENÉNDEZ PELAYO LIBRARY BULLETIN, 83(Único), 433–442.