Santiago Fernández Mosquera. La tormenta en el Siglo de Oro. Madrid – Frankfurt, Iberoamericana–Vervuert, 2006, 192 págs.


  • Miguel Franqueira González



Golden Age, Literature, Storm, Monographic, Topic, Language, Metaphors, Santiago Fernández Mosquera, Calderón de la Barca, Lope de Vega, Francisco de Quevedo


This article reviews the publication by Santiago Fernández Mosquera, which analyzes the element of the storm in the works of the Spanish Golden Age. The author reviews the history of literature, going back to Homer to point out that the topic of meteorological phenomena dates back to ancient times. Throughout his chapters, he compares different authors of the Spanish Golden Age and stops to analyze their vocabulary to demonstrate the importance of metaphors and analogies and their meanings. Sometimes he dedicates entire chapters to a single author, such as Lope de Vega, Calderón de la Barca or Francisco de Quevedo.


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How to Cite

Franqueira González, M. (2007). Santiago Fernández Mosquera. La tormenta en el Siglo de Oro. Madrid – Frankfurt, Iberoamericana–Vervuert, 2006, 192 págs. MENÉNDEZ PELAYO LIBRARY BULLETIN, 83(Único), 489–491.