The turn of the novel in Spain: from realism to modernism in the Spanish narrative


  • Carlos Alex Longhurst



Finisecular narrative, Realism, Naturalism, Determinis, Imagination, Critical-theoretical comments, Novelesque praxis, Galdós, Ganivet, Baroja


The present article defends the view that the change of direction of Spanish fictional narrative associated with the appearance of radically different novels in 1902 needs to be put back to the preceding decade. This change of direction in the 1890s is indicated by the critical observations of older writers, notably Galdós, and younger ones, such as Unamuno and Baroja. The scientific pretensions of Naturalism were severely criticised both in Spain and Europe, while simultaneously Realist praxis was undergoing a subtle change which highlighted the role of the imagination and played down the representation of the external world.


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How to Cite

Alex Longhurst, C. (2008). The turn of the novel in Spain: from realism to modernism in the Spanish narrative. MENÉNDEZ PELAYO LIBRARY BULLETIN, 84(único), 59–106.