Clarín between ink and printing: a biography


  • Laureano Bonet



Yvan Lissorgues, Leopoldo Alas, Biography, Vital temporality., Historical temporality, The making of a personality, Writing and reading, Fin de siècle, Krausism, Modernism, Lyricism and heterodox personality


Analysis of the biography written by Yvan Lissorgues Leopoldo Alas, Clarín, en sus palabras (1852-1901), making special emphasis in the huge contribution of documents -some of them unedited or unknown- that it contains. And revising, on the other hand, the theoretical reflections of the biographer about how to report the life of a writer with the maximum possible accuracy, avoiding any «essaystic» temptation nourished by hypotheses or undemonstrable appraisals. L. Alas, finally, seen from inside and, at the same time, contemplated as a public figure in a period of years -the Spain of the Restoration- of great political and cultural complexity.


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How to Cite

Bonet, L. (2008). Clarín between ink and printing: a biography. MENÉNDEZ PELAYO LIBRARY BULLETIN, 84(único), 487–512.