The Photography and memory in El jinete polaco from Antonio Muñoz Molina


  • María Luisa Fernández González



Photography, Narrative, Imagetext, Memory, Family album


The article Photography and Memory in El jinete polaco by Antonio Muñoz Molina studies the reconstruction/invention of the past in this novel through a compilation of portraits, and the complex framework of ideological, historical, social, and cultural discourses that mediates between the gaze of the narrator and the images. Using the theoretical framework of leading thinkers on photography such as Roland Barthes, Walter Benjamin, Susan Sontag, Max Kozloff, Pierre Bourdieu, and Rosalind Krauss, among others, this work proposes a close reading of the fiction of Muñoz Molina through the photographic medium, and the exploration of the significance of photography in his text.


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How to Cite

Fernández González, M. L. (2008). The Photography and memory in El jinete polaco from Antonio Muñoz Molina . MENÉNDEZ PELAYO LIBRARY BULLETIN, 84(único), 433–454.