Regionalism and resentment: Pereda and the Mountain Festival


  • Salvador García Castañeda



Mountain festival, Pereda, Resquemín, Regionalism, Highlands


The following article focuses on the Mountain Festival, celebrated on August 12, 1900, and presided over by Pereda, Menéndez Pelayo and Jesús de Monasterio; and the opinions that emerged around it. The party aimed to promote regionalism and seek roots that affirm and define that so diffuse concept of the mountain. The Mountain Festival gave rise to the awareness of a wide sector of the population. However, it also gave rise to numerous letters with conflicting opinions; some of its authors signed their names and others did so under pseudonyms. One of the pseudonyms employed was Resquemín, character of El sabor de la Tierruca.


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Amador de los Ríos, Rodrigo, España sus monumentos y arte. Su naturaleza e historia. Santander. Barcelona: Establecimiento Tipográfico Arte y Letras. Calle de Pallars (Salón de San Juan, 1891

Bonet, Laureano, Literatura, regionalismo y lucha de clases. Publicacions i edicions de la Universitat de Barcelona, 1983

García Castañeda, Salvador, «Amós de Escalante, Pereda y la cultura literaria de Cantabria en el siglo XIX», En el Centenario de Amós de Escalante (edición de Manuel Suárez Cortina). Santander: Sociedad Menéndez Pelayo, 2003, pp. 55-81

Simón Cabarga, José, Historia de la prensa santanderina, Santander: Centro de Estudios Montañeses, 1982



How to Cite

García Castañeda, S. (2006). Regionalism and resentment: Pereda and the Mountain Festival. MENÉNDEZ PELAYO LIBRARY BULLETIN, 82(único), 107–120.