Two notes on Schopenhauer in Fortunata y Jacinta
Schopenhauer, Bourdeau, Feijoo, Fortunata, Moreno-Isla, Sexuality, Procreation, Genius of The Species, Tree of LifeAbstract
The article deals with the partial presence of «Supplements to the Fourth Book» of The World as Will and Representation by Arthur Schopenhauer in two chapters of Fortunata y Jacinta: 3, IV, «Un curso de filosofía práctica» and 4, II «Insomnio». The analysis is based on a letter to Clarín, datable septemberoctober 1886, in which Galdós comments on his pleasant discovery of the philosopher from Danzig, whom he may have read in the successful anthology by Jean Bourdeau, Pensées, maximes et fragments (1880). This reading was to impregnate the above mentioned chapters of the third and fourth part of de novel, enriching the debate about the conflict nature/ civilization, a central subject in the novelist work
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