F. Bret Harte and J. Mª de Pereda in collation: a critical experiment


  • Laureano Bonet




Mliss, Sotileza, Pereda, F. Bret Harte, Influence, Melissa, Silda


This article studies the hypothesis of the possible influence of Mliss, the novel of the American Francis Bret Harte, in the creation of Sotileza de Pereda. First, stylistic affinities are highlighted from the reading of Californian Sketches. In addition, both characters, Melissa and Silda, have common features and are the protagonists of the story. Finally, it summarizes possible coincidences and discrepancies between the two characters: on the one hand, Mliss, the strange rapazuela that prowls through the most desperate neighborhoods of a California population. On the other hand, Sotileza, no less singular in his psychic personality, where roughness, helor, hermeticism also have their seat.


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How to Cite

Bonet, L. (2006). F. Bret Harte and J. Mª de Pereda in collation: a critical experiment. MENÉNDEZ PELAYO LIBRARY BULLETIN, 82(único), 25–37. https://doi.org/10.55422/bbmp.49