Emilia Pardo Bazán (1851-1921) and Victorian criticism: a comparison with the critical work of Matthew Arnold (1822-1888) and George Eliot (1819-1880) written during the decades of 1850-1860


  • Íñigo Sánchez-Llama




Emilia Pardo Bazán, George Eliot, Matthew Arnold, Aesthetics, Modernity


Pardo Bazán’s critical works written during the Restoration (1874-1931) share similar affinities with the socio-aesthetic purposes promoted in the 1850s and 1860s by Victorian critics Matthew Arnold and George Eliot. Nineteenth-century criticism faces a complex dilemma: to restore in modern times the spread of knowledge embraced by eighteenth-century periodicals or to practice a more specialized criticism with a lesser degree of impact among the reading public. Arnold, Eliot and Pardo Bazán published their criticism, respectively, in periodicals such as The Cornhill Magazine (1860-1975), The Westminster Review (1823-1914), Nuevo Teatro Crítico (1891-1893), La Ilustración Artística (1882-1916) or La España Moderna (1889-1914). They embraced an ambitious project, inspired by Renaissance humanism, which confronts the utilitarian materialism of their time, vindicating for literature the pursuit of intellectual excellence. Their criticism—based on cosmopolitan, eclectic, and secular foundations—argues for the spread of humanist culture in a complex historical context which makes difficult the promotion of such ideals among the reading public. Their distinguished intellectual enterprise, in any event, elaborated a worthy interpretation on modern culture produced in the second half of the nineteenth-century.


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How to Cite

Sánchez-Llama, Íñigo. (2021). Emilia Pardo Bazán (1851-1921) and Victorian criticism: a comparison with the critical work of Matthew Arnold (1822-1888) and George Eliot (1819-1880) written during the decades of 1850-1860. MENÉNDEZ PELAYO LIBRARY BULLETIN, 97(2), 295–326. https://doi.org/10.55422/bbmp.547