Letters between José Corredor Matheos and José María de Cossío (1962-1970)


  • Mario Crespo López




José Corredor Matheos, José María de Cossío, Letters, XXth century, Spanish writers, Colaborations


This document includes six letters that José Corredor Matheos and José María de Cossío sent to each other in the 1960s. They are in the Casona de Tudanca and its content mentions collaborations between the two, as well as several of their individual projects, always referring to Spanish culture and literature. Before including the epistles, the author of the introduction, a researcher of Cossío, explains several details that appear in the correspondence of the two writers. First, the collaboration of Cossío in the work Spain; later, the integration of Corredor Matheos in Cossío's poetic songbook; and, finally, the Rafael Alberti exhibition in which Cossío participated. The author of this article uses data that Corredor Matheos himself provided.


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How to Cite

Crespo López, M. (2013). Letters between José Corredor Matheos and José María de Cossío (1962-1970). MENÉNDEZ PELAYO LIBRARY BULLETIN, 90(Único). https://doi.org/10.55422/bbmp.551