The neo-medievalism of the U.S.


  • Carmen Benito-Vessels



Neomedievalism, USA, Medieval Spain, Chivalry novels, Amadís de Gaula, New World


The main objective of the article is to demonstrate the existence of the neomedievalism of the U.S. and its origin in medieval Spain. Since colonial times it has been linked to the United States. with medieval Spanish history, since the Castilians of the s. XVI brought their multicultural heritage there. An example of this is reflected in Arturismo, which passed, with the Spanish settlers, to the North American colonies and the Caribbean, and was born with the books of cavalry, specifically, with Amadis de Gaula. Another medieval literary genre that attracted the interest of travellers to the New World was the Castilian sentimental novel. In conclusion, neo-medievalism is seen in American literature, architecture and art.


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How to Cite

Benito-Vessels, C. (2018). The neo-medievalism of the U.S. MENÉNDEZ PELAYO LIBRARY BULLETIN, 9394(doble), 11–30.