The "invention" of (Spanish) literature


  • Jenaro Talens



Fernando Cabo Aseguinolaza, Historia de la literatura, El lugar de la literatura española, Compared Literature, History


The text reviews the ninth volume of Historias de la Literatura, called El lugar de la literatura española, by Fernando Cabo Aseguinolaza, an expert in Comparative Literature. The multidisciplinarity of the collaborators offers greater historical perspectives and highlights the importance of thought and its reflection in literature at a given time. Here we reflect on the origin of literature, its conceptions, authors and social implications to later delve into the work of Cabo Aseguinolaza, which is divided into five sections in which he breaks down the literary history of Spain, deals with topics such as national literature , etc. He always relates it to history to explain each event, as well as the thought of each era. In addition, he compares Spanish literature with that of other countries and cultures and the work has a rigorous and extensive appendix that includes even more information.


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How to Cite

Talens, J. (2013). The "invention" of (Spanish) literature. MENÉNDEZ PELAYO LIBRARY BULLETIN, 90(Único).