Solange Hibbs et Jacques Ballesté (eds.) Le voyage comme source de connaisance en d’utopies aux xix et xx siècles. Toulouse: Lansman, 2013.


  • Borja Rodríguez Gutiérrez



XXth century, XIXth century, Spanish literature, Essays, Clarín, Pardo Bazán, Utopias


As they have done on other occasions, Solange Hibbs and Jacques Ballesté have once again published essays on the utopias that were written in the Spanish 19th and 20th centuries. For example, on this occasion they analyze Perfecto Gandarias, Leopoldo Alas Clarín, Rosario de Acuña... In their book there are various collaborators who also write about dystopias from older centuries, such as the 18th. In addition, authors such as Julián del Casal and Eugenio D'Ors are analyzed, who went to France to seek inspiration for their works, since Paris was then a utopian destination. As always, literature and history are mixed, fiction with biography. This review rescues the most relevant points dealt with in this collection of essays, in which key novelists and writers of the Spanish 19th century are discussed, as well as others not so well known, without forgetting those of the 20th century.  


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How to Cite

Rodríguez Gutiérrez, B. (2013). Solange Hibbs et Jacques Ballesté (eds.) Le voyage comme source de connaisance en d’utopies aux xix et xx siècles. Toulouse: Lansman, 2013. MENÉNDEZ PELAYO LIBRARY BULLETIN, 90(Único).