Fray Luis de León. Poesía. Edición, estudio y notas de Antonio Ramajo Caño. Madrid. Real Academia Española (Biblioteca Clásica de la Real Academia Española, volumen 38). 2012. 864 páginas.


  • Antonio Azaustre Galiana



Fray Luis de León, Poetry, XVIth century, Renaissance, Humanism, Edition, Golden Age Literature


This review focuses on the poetry collection of Fray Luis de León, edited and commented by Antonio Ramajo Caño, which includes all his poetic work, from which a great Humanism, knowledge of philosophy, translation, history, etc. emerges. Throughout its sections, Ramajo Caño focuses on the intellect of Fray Luis de León, mentioning the case of the Cantar de los cantares, the imitative tradition of the time, which looked to the classical past to create… In the case of Fray Luis de León, his influences were above all Horace, Boethius, Seneca and Cicero. In addition to these aspects, this edition comments on the poet's writing style, his composition, his syntax and the use of literary resources... The author does not forget Fray Luis's work as a translator, nor the positive criticisms of him that were offered some later writers such as Menéndez Pelayo. The notes and comments regarding the poems, discussed in the last sections, provide good information and the great documentation of the author is shown to compose this enormous edition.


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How to Cite

Azaustre Galiana, A. (2013). Fray Luis de León. Poesía. Edición, estudio y notas de Antonio Ramajo Caño. Madrid. Real Academia Española (Biblioteca Clásica de la Real Academia Española, volumen 38). 2012. 864 páginas. MENÉNDEZ PELAYO LIBRARY BULLETIN, 90(Único).