Three outstanding contributions on the first translator of García Lorca to German, the great posthumous novel of Bolaño and the Rif War


  • José Manuel López de Abiada



García Lorca, Bolaño’s posthumous novel, The Rif war


This article presents three noteworthy contributions on the first translator of García Lorca into German, the great posthumous novel of Bolaño and the Rif war. Heinrich Enrique Beck was until 1998 the only German translator of the Lorca work because he was in possession of a document in which the heirs of the copyright had appointed him as an exclusive translator. As for Bolaño’s work, Arndt Laink focuses his analysis on the reasons for the presence and extent of evil in each of the five parts that make up 2666. Finally, it proposes a comparative, cultural and political approach relevant and innovative to the most outstanding representations of the Rif War in contemporary Spanish and Moroccan literature.


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SPIELER, Ulrike: Übersetzer zwischen Identität, Professionalität und Kulturalität: Heinrich Enrique Beck, Berlin: Frank & Timme, 332 págs. (Traductor entre identidad, profesionalidad y culturalidad [o especificidad cultural]: Heinrich Enrique Beck)

LAINCK, Arndt: Las figuras del mal en «2666» de Roberto Bolaño, en LIT Ibéricas. Estudios de literatura iberorrománica. Beiträge zur iberoromanischen Literaturwissenschaft. Estudios de literatura ibero-románica, 4, 2014, 332 págs.

SCHMIDT, Elmar: Inszenierungen des Rifkriegs in der spanischen, hispanomarokkanischen und frankophonen marokkanischen Gegenwartsliteratur. Traumatische Erinnerung, transnationale Geschichtsrekonstruktion, postkoloniales Heldenepos, Frankfurt a.M.-Madrid: VervuertIberoamericana, 2015, 359 págs. (Escenificación de la guerra del Rif en la literatura española, hispanomarroquí y francófona-marroquí. Memoria traumática, reconstrucción histórica transnacional, escritura épica poscolonial). DOI:



How to Cite

López de Abiada, J. M. (2018). Three outstanding contributions on the first translator of García Lorca to German, the great posthumous novel of Bolaño and the Rif War. MENÉNDEZ PELAYO LIBRARY BULLETIN, 9394(doble), 435–443.