Selena Millares (ed.). "Poesía centroamericana y puertorriqueña. Antología esencial". Madrid: Visor, La Estafeta del Viento, 2013, 671 pp.


  • Alejandra María Aventín Fontana



Latin America, Latin American Literature, Latin American Poetry, XXth century, Anthology, Forgotten poetry


This text reviews the anthology of Central American poetry, selected and studied by Selena Millares. First, it begins with the history of Latin American literature and all the anthologies of the various literary genres that have been written in the area. The entire introduction is duly indicated with bibliography, inclusion of poems, titles of poems and the name of their authors. The five sections focus on each region, without neglecting all the indigenous influences in the works. Investigate poetry in Costa Rica, always forgotten; that of Guatemala, which has not received the attention it deserves; that of Honduras, mixed with Afro-descendant culture; that of Panama, influenced by US immigration; and that of Puerto Rico, ideologized by the presence of the United States. In all the sections, the most important poets and writers of the 20th century from each country are mentioned, as well as others that have to do with the area.


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How to Cite

Aventín Fontana, A. M. (2013). Selena Millares (ed.). "Poesía centroamericana y puertorriqueña. Antología esencial". Madrid: Visor, La Estafeta del Viento, 2013, 671 pp. MENÉNDEZ PELAYO LIBRARY BULLETIN, 90(Único).