Italian troupes in Madrid (1857- 1884)


  • Irene Vallejo



XIXth century, Italian theatre, Spanish theatre, Italian drama companies


Around the middle of the 19th century Italian troupes, headed by eminent professionals, began to tour Spain. Adelaida Ristori was the first to arrive, in 1857. She and those who followed in her footsteps –Carolina Santoni, Carolina Civili, Ernesto Rossi, Tomasso Salvini, Achille Majeroni and Giacinta Pezzana– returned to Spain from time to time until 1884. The object of this paper is to study the activity of these troupes on the Madrid stage and their possible influence on Spanish theater. To this end we have analyzed the performances that were offered and the works that were staged in Italian as well as how they were received in Madrid.


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How to Cite

Vallejo, I. (2010). Italian troupes in Madrid (1857- 1884). MENÉNDEZ PELAYO LIBRARY BULLETIN, 86(Único), 279–313.