The Short Story at the End of the Century: from the reformist ideals to the disenchantment
Short Story, End of the Century, Reformism, Regenerationism, AnarchismAbstract
This work analyses the manifestations of the "End of the Century" short story which connect with the so called by the critics “98' spirit”. Within the socio-political context of the (failed) Spanish Restauración (Restorarion) system, the main concerns of the regenerationist short story are the question of Spain and the search of solutions for the national problems (political corruption and caciquismo, as well as some "values", such as hypocrisy, double moral and low consideration of work, quite spread in the Spanish society for that time). In some cases, the utopian thinking (specially socialism and anarchism) offers to this kind of tales, which have a reformistic goal, some topics and ideas, such as the lack of charity and the social indifference, the figure of the criminal, the defence of the individual freedom and the condemn to the institutions.
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