Julio Neira. "Manuel Altolaguirre, impresor y editor". Málaga: Consejo Social de la Universidad de Málaga. Publicaciones de la Residencia de Estudiantes, 2008, 713 pp.


  • Laurence Breysse-Chanet




Manuel Altolaguirre, Poet, XXth-century Spanish Literature, Exile, Biography, Spanish Civil War, Editor and printer


Julio Neira is the author of this biography of the poet Manuel Altolaguirre, who dedicated part of his life to printing and editing texts. This lesser-known trade is the central axis of this biography. The book details the years in which Altolaguirre worked as a publisher and printer, and at the end an Appendix is included with numerous catalogs and other texts edited by him. In addition, as is evident, the stages as a poet are treated, while the various events of his life and his historical and personal context are narrated at each moment, from the Second Spanish Republic to exile after the Civil War. After going to Cuba he continued his work as an editor, as the biographer relates, always providing data on the magazines in which he worked and the texts he published.


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How to Cite

Breysse-Chanet, L. (2009). Julio Neira. "Manuel Altolaguirre, impresor y editor". Málaga: Consejo Social de la Universidad de Málaga. Publicaciones de la Residencia de Estudiantes, 2008, 713 pp. MENÉNDEZ PELAYO LIBRARY BULLETIN, 85(Único), 593–600. https://doi.org/10.55422/bbmp.770