Myth and poetry in La saga/fuga de J.B.


  • David Pérez Álvarez
  • Soledad Cuba López



Gonzalo Torrente Ballester, 20th century spanish narrative, La saga/fuga de J.B., Myth, Poetry, Cuerpo Santo, José Bastida


Myth and poetry are two essential elements of the Torrente Ballester’s narrative work. In this article, we analyzed both aspects and their interrelationship, taking La saga/fuga de J. B. as a reference. In the first place, we study the origins and mythical references of the Cuerpo Santo and the way the writer gives poetic shape to this ingredient. Secondly, we study the figure of José Bastida, both as a myth, connected to the world of the Jota Be and all the cultural and literary references that it entails, as well as a poet with his own personality and work.


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How to Cite

Pérez Álvarez, D., & Cuba López, S. (2022). Myth and poetry in La saga/fuga de J.B. MENÉNDEZ PELAYO LIBRARY BULLETIN, 98(1), 77–96.