The possibility of being another: archnarrator, myth and palimpsest in La saga/fuga de J.B.


  • Santiago Sevilla Vallejo



Gonzalo Torrente Ballester, Arch-narrator, Myth, Palimpset, Identity


The use of the arch-narrator in this novel is briefly explained, because it is the centre to understand the identity of the narrator and the identities of other characters and the History of Castroforte del Baralla or the collective identity. Later, we analyse the myth as a narration that defines the nature of the locality and that advances throughout the text, mythologizing and demystifying its image as well. Finally, we focus on the transformation that occurs in the key of palimpsest or rewriting from elements that are maintained over time.


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How to Cite

Sevilla Vallejo, S. (2022). The possibility of being another: archnarrator, myth and palimpsest in La saga/fuga de J.B. MENÉNDEZ PELAYO LIBRARY BULLETIN, 98(1), 185–208.