Socialism and Primitive Christianity: Social and Germinal Democracy (1890-1897)


  • Dolores Thion Soriano-Mollá Université de Rennes 2



Primitive socialism, Messianism, SoSocial-Democratic Grouping, Socialdemocraty, Germinal


Through La Democracia Social and Germinal, the aim of this paper is to analyse the recovery of the figure of Jesus and primitive Christianity as strategies to effectively disseminate criticism of the Restoration, its moral codes and the relations established in Spain between faith and science at the end of the nineteenth century. The initiatives of «Gente Nueva» so as to spread a new paradigm in favor of social justice were based on religion, literary creation and journalism


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How to Cite

Thion Soriano-Mollá, D. (2022). Socialism and Primitive Christianity: Social and Germinal Democracy (1890-1897). MENÉNDEZ PELAYO LIBRARY BULLETIN, 98(2), 331–361.