Cervantine pepitorias and revoltillos: the Exemplary Novels (1613) in All for the Better (1703) by Francis Manning


  • Rafael Bonilla Cerezo
  • Sara Ruiz Notario




Francis Manning, All for the Better, Miguel de Cervantes, Novelas Ejemplares


 This paper rescues for Cervantism All for the Better or The Infallible Cure: A Comedy (London, B. Bragg, 1703) by the English poet, essayist and playwright Francis Manning. The rape and the violation of Isabella by Alphonso, inspired by the couple formed by Leocadia and Rodolfo in La fuerza de la sangre (Novelas ejemplares, Madrid, Juan de la Cuesta, 1613), are mixed with four other subplots borrowed from La ilustre fregona (if the owner of the Sevillano’s Inn offered his contacts to Avendaño to free Carriazo, imprisoned for having wounded a water carrier from Toledo, Elvira will here turn to López as the guarantor of Woodvil’s bail), La gitanilla (Woodvil and Johnson travel together to Spain and the first one is imprisoned after a woman’s false accusation), El celoso extremeño (the episode of old López, husband of young Henrietta) and El casamiento engañoso (the comrades who star in Manning’s play will fall in love with a pair of mysterious ladies who are intent on swindling them).


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How to Cite

Bonilla Cerezo, R., & Ruiz Notario, S. (2023). Cervantine pepitorias and revoltillos: the Exemplary Novels (1613) in All for the Better (1703) by Francis Manning. MENÉNDEZ PELAYO LIBRARY BULLETIN, 99(2), 93–157. https://doi.org/10.55422/bbmp.918