Cervantes, accountant of empires: Looting, credit and profit in La española inglesa


  • Ana María Laguna




Empire, Raid, Credit, Merchant, Banker, Trade pepper, foreigner, Financial Instruments, Tomás de Mercado, Cervantes, La española inglesa, Novelas ejemplares


The binary of arms and letters often overshadows another dimension of Cervantes’s life and oeuvre: his acumen in business and finance. In the early 1600s, his sister Andrea, described him before the courts as a man of great literary aptitude with a matching skill for nurturing personal ties and spotting financial opportunities. Although his aspirations to secure prominent roles in the Indies remained unfulfilled, Cervantes displayed such human and financial talents in his challenging experiences as a provision commissioner (1587-1594) and royal tax collector (1594). These ventures imprinted an economic dimension in his literary works that remains largely overlooked. This study seeks to uncover this layer, with a specific focus on the portrayal of credit mechanisms in the short novel, “La española inglesa.”


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How to Cite

Laguna, A. M. (2023). Cervantes, accountant of empires: Looting, credit and profit in La española inglesa. MENÉNDEZ PELAYO LIBRARY BULLETIN, 99(2), 201–226. https://doi.org/10.55422/bbmp.919