The frustrated American dream of Miguel de Cervantes

New documents on the Council of the Indies' rejections of the writer's requests


  • Emilio Maganto Pavón



Cervantes, Biografy, Council of the Indies, Spanish America, Vacant jobs, Venality, Salable jobs, Jobs with jurisdiction, General Archive of the indies


The attempts that Miguel de Cervantes made to get a job in America and travel there as an employee of the Crown are well known. As far as is known, the author of La Galatea applied to the Council of the Indies for a position overseas on up to three occasions without obtaining a favorable response to see his American dream come true, although it is possible that there was a fourth frustrated attempt in the spring of 1586, a hypothesis that we develop at work with new documentation. On the other hand, many biographers have studied the possible causes of the Agency”s refusals to the writer”s repeated requests. In the article we also expose, with new testimonies, that the reasons for the dismissals may have to be sought in that the places that Cervantes demanded in 1590 without having any precedent in America, or were of jurisdiction, or had a high venality being auctioned in the Viceroyalties, impediments that made it impossible for them to be able to access them. 


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How to Cite

Maganto Pavón, E. (2023). The frustrated American dream of Miguel de Cervantes: New documents on the Council of the Indies’ rejections of the writer’s requests. MENÉNDEZ PELAYO LIBRARY BULLETIN, 99(2), 277–312.