An unpublished letter from Gonzalo Torrente Ballester to Ricardo Carballo Calero


  • Carmen Becerra Suárez



Gonzalo Torrente Ballester, Ricardo Carballo Calero, Unpublished, XXth century, Letters, Galician Literature, Galician


This article reviews the friendship between the Galician writers Gonzalo Torrente Ballester and Ricardo Carballo Calero. They met in their youth and shared many experiences together. Their friendship lasted over time, even during the Spanish Civil War, in which they were on different sides. Nevertheless, their relationship remained just as affectionate and stable, and proof of this is Gonzalo's unpublished letter to Ricardo, written in 1964, when, living in different parts of Spain, they kept on sending each other letters, congratulating themselves on their new publications and sending regards to their respective families.


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CARBALLO CALERO, Ricardo (1963). Historia da Literatura Galega Contemporánea, Vigo: Galaxia. Edición ampliada en 1975.

PONTE FAR, José Antonio (1994). Galicia en la obra narrativa de Torrente Ballester, A Coruña: Tambre.

TORRENTE BALLESTER, Gonzalo (1949). Literatura española contemporánea (1898-1936), Madrid: Afrodisio Aguado,

— (1956). Panorama de la literatura española contemporánea, Madrid: Guadarrama, Colección «Panoramas», II, Ampliación y actualización en 1961 y 1965.

— (1963). Literatura española contemporánea, Manual para curso de Preuniversitario, 2 volúmenes: Estudio crítico (vol. I) y Lecturas (vol. II), Madrid: Guadarrama.

— (1963). Literatura española. Separata de El Nuevo Estado Español, Madrid: Instituto de Estudios Políticos y Editora Nacional.



How to Cite

Becerra Suárez, C. (2010). An unpublished letter from Gonzalo Torrente Ballester to Ricardo Carballo Calero. MENÉNDEZ PELAYO LIBRARY BULLETIN, 86(Único), 445–451.