«Competing with Heliodorus»: the uses of the narrative voice, divine providence, theatricality and female protagonism in Persiles and Sigismunda


  • Michael Armstrong-Roche




Cervantes, Heliodorus, Los trabajos de Persiles y Sigismunda, The Aethiopica, Narrative voice, Divine providence, Theatricality, Female protagonism, Interiority in the modern novel


In the last 40 years a critical revolution led by scholars of Classics around the world has recovered previously-unsuspected dimensions of Heliodorus’s Aethiopica. I draw on this renewed approach to highlight striking aspects of Cervantes’s creative dialogue with the Greek novel. On the one hand the play with the narrative voice offers us two very distinct conceptions of the relation between each “history” as narrated and its putative sources as well as the respective roles of divine providence. On the other hand, although the drama left a conspicuous mark in both novels it takes very different forms, from the formulation of the marriage plot to the portrayal of female characters and the incorporation of secondary episodes. The quite varied meanings lent to marvels and occult philosophy is especially striking. In particular, tracking their moral or symbolic use in Persiles y Sigismunda can yield us a richer image of characters that are often perceived as “flat” because their construction does not answer to 19th-century paradigms of “rounded” characterization.


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How to Cite

Armstrong-Roche, M. (2023). «Competing with Heliodorus»: the uses of the narrative voice, divine providence, theatricality and female protagonism in Persiles and Sigismunda. MENÉNDEZ PELAYO LIBRARY BULLETIN, 99(2), 55–91. https://doi.org/10.55422/bbmp.930