An example of the reception of iconic and textual signs in an picture book


  • Paulino Gonzalo Pumarejo Gómez Universidad de Cantabria



Picture Book, Reception, Sign, Image


 The article presents an approach to a new literary genre that emerged in postmodernism: the picture book. The ways of approaching this genre are exposed through the study of an individual case, with special attention to the reception of the literary text and the interpretation of iconic signs. These two readindg possibilities are exemplified through the análisis of the reception of the chosen picture book in two almost identical subjects with a differentiated reading of texts and images.


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How to Cite

Pumarejo Gómez, P. G. (2023). An example of the reception of iconic and textual signs in an picture book. MENÉNDEZ PELAYO LIBRARY BULLETIN, 99(1), 259–274.


