Deconstructive anti-naturalism in Genio y Figura


  • Francisco Javier Higuero



Absences, Deconstruction, Diegesis, Grammatology, Omnisciencie, Perspective, Semantics, Unnatural narrator, Writing


The story narrated in the novel Genio y figura by Juan Valera is characterized by the diegetic accumulation of a series of deconstructive absences, highlighted by various unnatural narrators who use the grammatological exercise of writing, in order to state, with certain frequency, omniscient traits. The semantic content of such absences is penetrated, in turn, by more or less ambiguous memories that are usually superimposed, without solution of continuity, while contributing, in fact, to enrich everything narrated from several focalizations or points of view. The final outcome of what is communicated by the different characters that appear throughout this story points to a somewhat inconclusive future, semantically related to what the title of the novel seems to mean.


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How to Cite

Higuero, F. J. (2024). Deconstructive anti-naturalism in Genio y Figura. MENÉNDEZ PELAYO LIBRARY BULLETIN, 100(2), 271–300.