Contrasts between Roberto Arlt and Luigi Pirandello: shadows, madmen and suicides


  • Laura Sáez Reta



Arlt, Pirandello, Meta-theater, Reality, Fiction, Lucidity, Madness, Hypertextuality, Grotesque, Creole, Tragedy


The works of Roberto Arlt and Luigi Pirandello share certain aspects, such as the similarity in the personality and the main conflict of many of their characters, or the use of meta-theater and reflections on reality and fiction, lucidity and madness that this resource unleashes. These confluences allow a parallel reading of some of his works, enriching their interpretation by contrasting and qualifying the use, scope and drifts of these approaches. Here we mostly review the texts of the Argentine on the basis of the Italian’s: how Sofía and Pedro confront their own characters in search of an author, how much Saverio el cruel and Enrique IV are alike and if Silvio Astier’s mysterious impulse has something to do with the experiences of Matías Pascal.


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How to Cite

Sáez Reta, L. . (2020). Contrasts between Roberto Arlt and Luigi Pirandello: shadows, madmen and suicides. MENÉNDEZ PELAYO LIBRARY BULLETIN, 96(1), 83–104.